QRZ! Ham Radio 3
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 3.iso
DX Map 1.1.1
DX Map Info
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DX Map 1.1 by Len Saaf, NV2Z
Copyright 1990,1991,1992 Raleigh Associates
The following is from a help field that can be accessed from within the stack.
This stack requires the version of Hypercard to be 2.0 or greater.
This stack is freeware. It may be distributed in part or in whole provided that
it is distributed for free.
This stack enables amateur radio operators to find the location, bearing, and
other information for the 'DXCC' countries of the world. It also displays the
day and night portions of the globe dynamically.
DX Map features:
Ñ Your QTH is marked on the map and your local time appears above it (12 or 24
hour format).
Ñ UTC is displayed at the bottom of the map.
Ñ A dynamic grayline is shown on the map showing the day and night portions of
the globe.
Ñ A DXCC country can by selected by either choosing the country name from a
list or by entering a callsign or prefix. The DXCC country is marked on the map
and the following information is listed:
Ñ Country name
Ñ Continent
Ñ CQ zone(s)
Ñ ITU zone(s)
Ñ Distance from your QTH in miles and kilometers
Ñ Bearing in degrees from your QTH
Ñ Callsign allocation
Ñ The local time in the DXCC country is displayed above its location on
the map
Ñ Your location and the remote location are fully adjustable.
Using DX Map:
To get Help:
Read this or use Balloon Help.
To choose a DXCC country from a list of countries:
If the scrolling list is not already visible at the left-hand side of the card,
click the "Show List" button. Select a DXCC country by clicking on the name of
the country. When the scrolling list is visible typing a letter will scroll the
list to the first country that begins with that letter.
To choose a DXCC country from a prefix or callsign:
Click the "Find Call" button and you will be prompted for a callsign or prefix.
To find the distance and bearing to any location on the map:
Click and hold on the icon that marks the remote location. It is the one with
the "X" cross. Move the icon to the desired location and release the mouse
button. Note that the time at the remote location is not displayed since the
remote time zone information is unknown.
To update the grayline immediately:
Click on the "Sun" button.
To turn off the grayline display:
Click on the "Sun" button while depressing the shift key. The sun button will
turn black and the grayline will be removed. To reactive the grayline function
click the sun button again with the shift key depressed.
Configuring DX Map
Changing your QTH:
One way to change your QTH is to click and hold on the small button that marks
your QTH. You can then drag it to any position. Your local time remains
unchanged. Another way to change your QTH is to go to the configuration card by
clicking on the small right arrow button at the lower right-hand corner of the
map card. The configuration card lets you choose whether or not you want to use
the information stored in your Mac's parameter RAM for your QTH information.
This information can be set using the Map control panel, which is part of the
Macintosh system software. If you choose not to use that information, uncheck
the box and some fields and buttons will appear that will let you specify the
latitude and longitude of your QTH. You can also click on the "By Call" button
to enter the location by callsign or prefix (This will also set your local time
difference from UTC).
To change your local time zone information:
The difference between your local time and UTC can be set at the configuration
card (see above). If you uncheck the "Time Zone" check box, controls will
appear to let you enter your local UTC time difference.
Dealing with daylight savings time:
On the configuration card there is a checkbox titled "Auto Daylight Savings."
If this box is checked the stack will figure out whether or not DST (daylight
savings time, a.k.a. summer time) is in effect in the USA and set the UTC time
difference accordingly. (You still need to set your Mac's clock to the correct
local time╤be it standard or daylight savings.) If you don't use summer time,
or if the rules for it are different at your QTH, uncheck the "Auto Daylight
Savings" checkbox and use the radio buttons (that will appear) to choose
between standard and daylight savings time. You can also modify the
daylightsavingstime() function in the stack script to meet your needs. I have
no data on the countries that use summer time so the time for remote locations
is always standard time. Summer time is one hour later in most (if not all)
To change the frequency at which the grayline is updated:
See the notes in the 'openstack' handler in the stack script.
Probably lots. The identification of DXCC countries from callsign surely has
quite a few glitches. If any of the cards are deleted the stack will get very
confused. Best to make a copy just in case.
More info:
I wrote 3 XFCNs for this stack:
Ñ "CallToNum" takes a callsign and returns the number of DXCC countries that
could have that callsign followed by ID numbers for each of those DXCC
Ñ "NumToInfo" takes one of those ID numbers and returns a bunch of info for
that DXCC country. The info is from a list I got off rec.ham-radio.
Ñ "coords" takes 2 lattitude/longitude pairs and returns the distance between
them and the bearing from the first to the second.
The source code to these 3 XFCNs is free for the asking. It is written in
Thanks to Mike Hoenig, N5LTL, for suggestions and encouragement!
All bug reports, comments and/or suggestions are welcome.
My addresses are:
Len Saaf
40 Manitou Ave.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Internet: saaf@panix.com
America Online: saaf